Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome to the Melbourne Shutterbug Blog!

Hey guys!

Thanks for dropping by and seeing what this group is about :)

Basically this group is about giving your camera some purpose in between weddings and birthdays. A topic is announced every couple of weeks or so where you submit a photo based on your own interpretation of the topic.
This group is about sharing your own little tips and tricks you've picked up about photography and post processing.
This group is about getting together every now and then for an actual photoshoot.
But most of all, this group is about having fun with photography!

If you'd like to participate, you can send me an email to biclar@gmail.com and you'll need the following:
The first topic will be announced tomorrow (Wednesday, 25 March, 2009)

Happy shooting!

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you make a group on flickr instead? ^^; I'll give this a go though. :)
